Führer & Seducer
Feature Film
The plot of "FÜHRER & SEDUCER" spans from March 1938 to May 1945. In 1938, Goebbels is at the peak of his power, with the approval of Hitler's policies reaching unprecedented levels. The dictator is resolutely marching towards war. However, propaganda stressed the theme of peace, making a sudden change of course not easily achievable. Goebbels' work faces severe criticism from his leader. He tries everything to regain his reputation and stoke the population's enthusiasm for the war. He triggers the November 9, 1938 pogrom and plans the anti-Semitic films "JUD SÜSS" and "DER EWIGE JUDE," where Hitler intervenes extensively in their realization. Media mobilization gains momentum, and propaganda units are established. Especially in the context of large mass events, an almost perfect and controlled staging succeeds. The pinnacle is the meticulously planned victory parade following the capitulation of France. By 1941, Goebbels is back in Hitler's favor. With the "Russian campaign," the war truly begins for Hitler, and mass murders reach their peak.
After the defeat at Stalingrad, Goebbels launches a counteroffensive, calling for "total war." He celebrates his Sportpalast speech as his propaganda masterpiece. He repeatedly demands a tougher stance and urges his leader to appear more prominently in public. However, the situation becomes increasingly hopeless. By the end of 1944, it becomes evident, given the catastrophic situation, that Hitler has no alternative plan. Goebbels' propaganda now focuses more and more on leaving behind his image of the Third Reich for posterity. This also includes its downfall. Following Hitler's suicide, Goebbels performs the most radical propaganda act still available to him by murdering his family and committing suicide.
"Führer & Seducer" is a production by Zeitsprung Pictures (producers: Till Derenbach and Michael Souvignier) in cooperation with SWR (Sandra Maria Dujmovic), Maya spol.s.r.o. and Act/HQ (Andreas Fröhlich). It was funded by Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, DFFF Deutscher Filmförderfonds, FFA Filmförderungsanstalt, MFG and Slovak Audiovisual Fund.